Employment security program
EMPLOYMENT SECURITY PROGRAM – Adds to existing law to establish procedures to verify the integrity of the employment security program.

RS30381 / H0168

The purpose of this legislation is to enhance program integrity for the state's unemployment insurance program. Covid-19 brought mass employment. Unfortunately, it also brought massive amounts of waste, fraud and abuse to our nations' employment programs. Nationally it is estimates that unemployment programs may have lost between $87 billion to $400 billion to fraudulent or wasteful claims. This legislation will require the Department of Labor to perform routine cross checks of existing databases to which the state already has access, like new hire records, death records, prison roles, and others.

Bill Events
Date Description
02/20 Introduced, read first time, referred to JRA for Printing
02/21 Reported Printed and Referred to Commerce & Human Resources
02/24 Reported out of Committee with Do Pass Recommendation, Filed for Second Reading
02/27 Read second time; Filed for Third Reading
02/28 Read Third Time in Full – PASSED - 69-0-1
AYES – Alfieri, Allgood, Andrus, Barbieri, Berch, Blanksma, Boyle, Bundy, Burns, Cannon, Cheatum, Chew, Clow, Cornilles, Crane(12), Crane(13), Dixon(1), Dixon(24), Durrant, Ehardt, Ehlers, Erickson, Furniss, Galaviz, Gallagher, Gannon, Garner, Green, Handy, Hawkins, Healey, Hill, Holtzclaw, Horman, Kingsley(Crawford), Lambert, Lanting, Manwaring, McCann, Mendive, Mickelsen, Miller, Mitchell, Monks, Nash, Necochea, Nelsen, Palmer, Petzke, Pickett, Price, Raybould, Raymond, Redman, Roberts, Rubel, Sauter, Scott, Shepherd, Skaug, Tanner, Vander Woude, Weber, Wheeler, Wisniewski, Wroten, Yamamoto, Young, Mr. Speaker
NAYS – None
Absent – Mathias
Floor Sponsor - Mitchell
Title apvd - to Senate
03/01 Received from the House passed; filed for first reading
Introduced, read first time; referred to: Commerce & Human Resources
03/16 Reported out of Committee with Do Pass Recommendation; Filed for second reading
03/17 Read second time; filed for Third Reading
03/24 Retained on calendar
03/28 Read third time in full – PASSED - 35-0-0
AYES – Adams, Anthon, Bernt, Bjerke, Burtenshaw, Carlson, Cook, Den Hartog, Foreman, Grow, Guthrie, Harris, Hart, Hartgen, Herndon, Just, Lakey, Lee, Lenney, Lent, Nichols, Okuniewicz, Rabe, Ricks, Ruchti, Schroeder, Semmelroth, Taylor, Toews, Trakel, VanOrden, Ward-Engelking, Winder, Wintrow, Zuiderveld
NAYS – None
Absent and excused – None
Floor Sponsor - Ricks
Title apvd - to House
Returned from Senate Passed; to JRA for Enrolling
Reported Enrolled; Signed by Speaker; Transmitted to Senate
03/29 Received from the House enrolled/signed by Speaker
Signed by President; returned to House
03/30 Returned Signed by the President; Ordered Transmitted to Governor
Delivered to Governor at 10:35 a.m. on March 30, 2023
04/06 Reported Signed by Governor on April 3, 2023
Session Law Chapter 250
Effective: 07/01/2023