General Orders
Absentee ballots
ELECTIONS – Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding voting by absentee ballot.

RS31465 / H0667

This legislation clears up who can request a ballot for absentee voting from county clerks or other officers charged with the duty of issuing official ballots. This will stop political parties from mass mailing ballot requests whether filled out or empty. This will not affect people with familial or caregiver status from requesting a ballot. This does not affect electronic registration for ballot request or application.

This legislation will have no fiscal impact on the general fund.

Bill Events
Date Description
02/27 Introduced, read first time, referred to JRA for Printing
02/28 Reported Printed and Referred to State Affairs
03/06 Reported out of Committee, Recommend place on General Orders
03/08 Retained on General Orders
03/15 Retained on General Orders
03/25 Retained on General Orders