Career technical centers
CAREER TECHNICAL CENTERS – Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding certain funding for career technical centers and certain authority of the Division of Career Technical Education.

RS30181 / S1070

Section 33-1002G, Idaho Code, authorizes school districts and public charter schools to establish career technical schools/centers that qualify for funding appropriated for the specific purpose of supporting the added cost of high-quality career technical schools/centers. To be eligible for this added cost funding, at least 15% of the students attending the career technical school (CTS) must come from a separate high school. In recent years, school districts in rural areas have expressed difficulty in being able to recruit 15% of the CTS students from other high schools during the initial startup years when they are reliant on high school students from neighboring school districts or charter schools. The proposed amendments would allow new schools/centers to be eligible with an initial student enrollment where 5% of the students come from a separate high school, increasing each year by 5% until they reach the current 15% requirement. Additional changes would allow for existing programs, with approval from the Division of Career Technical Education, to use a three-year rolling average to calculate the 15% requirement. This flexibility would allow an established program to continue to receive the CTS added cost funding even if they saw a fluctuation in a single year in the 15% student enrollment requirement as long as the three-year rolling average met the requirement. One additional area being addressed is in response to the transportation challenges in rural areas where students may have to travel for an hour each way to participate in a career technical education (CTE) program in a neighboring district. In these instances, a parent may choose to enroll the student full time at the high school with the CTE program, when this happens, they are then counted as that high school’s student and are not able to be used to meet the 15% requirement. The amendment to address this issue would allow for these students to be counted the same as homeschooled students who reside in a neighboring school districts attendance area are counted.

There would be no additional fiscal impact to the state general fund. Currently, career technical school added cost funding is based on an annual set appropriation. That annual appropriation is then distributed to the eligible career technical schools on a student enrollment basis pursuant to IDAPA 55.01.03.

Bill Events
Date Description
02/10 Introduced; read first time; referred to JR for Printing
02/13 Reported Printed; referred to Education
02/22 Reported out of Committee with Do Pass Recommendation; Filed for second reading
02/23 Read second time; filed for Third Reading
03/02 Read third time in full – PASSED - 35-0-0
AYES – Adams, Anthon, Bernt, Bjerke, Burtenshaw, Carlson, Cook, Den Hartog, Foreman, Grow, Guthrie, Harris, Hart, Hartgen, Herndon, Just, Lakey, Lee, Lenney, Lent, Nichols, Okuniewicz, Rabe, Ricks, Ruchti, Schroeder, Semmelroth, Taylor, Toews, Trakel, VanOrden, Ward-Engelking, Winder, Wintrow, Zuiderveld
NAYS – None
Absent and excused – None
Floor Sponsor - Den Hartog
Title apvd - to House
03/03 Received from the Senate, Filed for First Reading
Read First Time, Referred to Education
03/20 Reported out of Committee with Do Pass Recommendation, Filed for Second Reading
03/21 Read second time; Filed for Third Reading
03/22 U.C. to place at bottom of third reading calendar one legislative day
U.C. to hold place on third reading calendar one legislative day
03/23 U.C. to be placed on General Orders, no objection
03/30 Referred to the Committee of the Whole
Reported out without recommendation as amended
Amendments Referred to the JRA for Printing
Filed for First Reading
Read first time as amended in House; Filed for Second Reading
Rules Suspended: Ayes 66 Nays 0 Abs/Excd 4, read in full as required – PASSED - 66-2-2
AYES – Alfieri, Allgood, Andrus, Barbieri, Blanksma, Boyle, Bundy, Burns, Cannon, Cheatum, Chew, Clow, Cornilles, Crane(12), Dixon(1), Dixon(24), Durrant, Ehardt, Ehlers, Erickson, Furniss, Galaviz, Gallagher, Gannon, Garner, Green, Handy, Healey, Hill, Holtzclaw, Horman, Kingsley, Lambert, Lanting, Manwaring, Mathias, McCann, Mendive, Mickelsen, Miller, Mitchell, Monks, Nash, Necochea, Nelsen, Palmer, Petzke, Pickett, Raybould, Raymond, Redman, Roberts, Rubel, Sauter, Scott, Shepherd, Skaug, Tanner, Vander Woude, Weber, Wheeler, Wisniewski, Wroten, Yamamoto, Young(Cannon), Mr. Speaker
NAYS – Hawkins, Price
Absent – Berch, Crane(13)
Floor Sponsor - McCann
Title apvd - to Senate
Returned from House, amended
Referred to 10th Order for possible concurrence
Senate concurred in House amendments; referred to engrossment
03/31 Reported engrossed, filed for first reading, as amended
Read first time as amended in the House, filed for Second Reading
Rules Suspended (2/3 Vote - Read in full as required) – PASSED - 32-0-3
AYES – Anthon, Bearg(Rabe), Bernt, Bjerke, Carlson, Cook, Den Hartog, Foreman, Geddes(Harris), Grow, Guthrie, Hart, Hartgen, Herndon, Just, Lakey, Lee, Lenney, Lent, Nichols, Ruchti, Schroeder, Semmelroth, Taylor, Toews, Trakel, VanOrden, Vick(Okuniewicz), Ward-Engelking, Winder, Wintrow, Zuiderveld
NAYS – None
Absent and excused – Adams, Burtenshaw, Ricks
Floor Sponsor - Den Hartog
Title apvd - to enrol
Reported enrolled; signed by President; to House for signature of Speaker
Received from Senate; Signed by Speaker; Returned to Senate
Reported signed by the Speaker & ordered delivered to Governor
Reported delivered to Governor at 1:15 p.m. on 03/31/23
Signed by Governor on 04/04/23
Session Law Chapter 271
Effective: 07/01/2023