Presidential primary elections
ELECTIONS – Amends House Bill 138 to revise provisions regarding primary elections at which presidential candidates are nominated.

RS30658 / S1186

This is a trailer bill to H138, which consolidates the March presidential primary with the May primary election date. This legislation clarifies that one of the purposes of the primary election is to allow voters to express their choice of candidate for nomination by a political party for president, provides related nomination and filing requirements, and requires the Secretary of State to certify to the state chair of each political party the number of votes received by candidates for president.

Bill Events
Date Description
03/17 Introduced; read first time; referred to JR for Printing
03/20 Reported Printed; referred to State Affairs
03/21 Reported out of Committee with Do Pass Recommendation; Filed for second reading
03/22 Read second time; filed for Third Reading
03/23 Read third time in full – PASSED - 24-10-1
AYES – Adams, Bernt, Bjerke, Burtenshaw, Cook, Den Hartog, Grow, Guthrie, Harris, Hartgen, Just, Lakey, Lee, Lent, Rabe, Ricks, Ruchti, Schroeder, Semmelroth, Taylor, VanOrden, Ward-Engelking, Winder, Wintrow
NAYS – Carlson, Foreman, Hart, Herndon, Lenney, Nichols, Okuniewicz, Toews, Trakel, Zuiderveld
Absent and excused – Anthon
Floor Sponsor - Harris
Title apvd - to House
03/24 Received from the Senate, Filed for First Reading
Read First Time, Referred to State Affairs